Inspired by a life-long friend, Augusto.

Born partially blind

Lost his vision at 7

Now, BeyondSight takes Augusto where the cane and guide dog can’t.

Guide Dogs are not Accessible.

Only 20,000 for the 330 million visually impaired

Canes are Limited

Only 2% to 8% of the Blind use them

There hasn’t been a major innovation in the industry, until now…

BeyondSight is the AI Headset that sees for the blind.

Accessible pricing

Haptic and Audio Cues keep you safe

Promotes Independence and Freedom


Gabriel Habech

Mike Romano


  • Robert Hacker

    CFO & Vice Chairman at Matahari Putra Prima and MIT One Laptop Per Child

  • Hunter McKinley

    Co-Founder and CEO of YAC and Backtrack, VC scout at Florida Funders